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Roots Biotic Tincture

Roots Biotic Tincture

Regular price $48.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $48.00 USD
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latent infections are bacterial, viral, or fungal pathogens that evade the immune system by hiding in biofilms, joints and organs throughout the body. almost everyone has one or more of these infections that may not cause obvious symptoms but contribute to elevated baseline inflamamtion and brain fog while draining energy and weakening immune system. latent infections are opportunistic and "flare up" to infecious levels when the mind-body is under stress.

we believe targeting these hidden infections through periodic supplementation with natural remedies like garlic, ginger, echinacea, and goldenseal is a fundamental approach to improiving health. These herbs act as natural antibiotics, working to clear latent pathogens, support the immune system, and reduce inflammation.

periodically using the roots-biotic tincture can help clear latent infections to help improve energy, mental clarity, baseline inflammaiton and immune function. the roots biotic tincture is a great product to run alongside any health, wellness or performance protocol.

in the bottle:

*Garlic Extract

*Ginger Extract

*Echinicea Extract

*Skullcap Extract

*Goldenseal Extract

*Certified Organic


additional ingredients:

organic cane alcohol (authentic tincturing). organic glycerine. reverse osmosis water.


RootsBiotic works best when taking 5ml @ 2x daily. this means 5 full droppers 2x daily. at this serving size, a 120ml bottle will last 12 days. being consistent and using the entire bottle in that 12 day period will keep pressure on the latent infections and bust up their biofilm hiding spots.

FOR BEST RESULTS. consider the following suggestions.

FIRST TIME USING: running 2x bottles back-to-back for 24 consecutive days @ 5ml 2x daily will do a lot of work to bust up biofilms that have been building for who knows how long, exposing bacterial, fungal and viral pathogens to a powerful RootsBiotic and a strengthened immune system. if you have significant biofilms and latent infections, you may experience a "crappy" feeling like hot-cold cycling and fatigue during your first bottle. dying bacterial and fungal cultures break down and release toxins that can make you feel run down. this is a part of the process and is inevitable if you want to clean your body up. usually, this is just an annoyance and should not prevent you from going about daily life.

quarterly or biannual maintenance protocols are a valuable consideration after your first protocol to prevent the accumulation of biofilms and support a strong immune system that is not burdened by pathogenic hidey holes.

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